In Between

December 27th 2023 by runekani

Shortly after Xmas and before the year change is the time of being nowhere. This is an opportunity to take advantage of the uncertainty of life. Changes can be made. Probably you know which ones. Let's do it. 

Into the Night

August 2nd 2022 by runekani

After the party when everyone has left you can feel either tranquil or nervous. And it's up to you. If you have inner balance, you don't mind being on your own, and if not - then it's different. How is it now?

Surviving the winter

December 30th 2021 by runekani

A way to survive the winter is to meditate. And the only way to meditate is to do it regularly. That's why I started to do it daily.

For a long time I had talked about it, but now I finally got into it. From somewhere sprang the motivation, and I'm really glad about it. 

Spring Thoughts

April 20th 2021 by runekani

Yet again without a photo. But that's mostly the season's fault. Or feature. But anyway, it's finally Spring. The long awaited for. Hooray to that! The snow is melting, the dead grass is raked and the sides of the boat are shining. The season of hope and depression is here.

Now is the time to cling onto your last remaining strength and spend it. Now is the time to linger in sun for no purpose at all, and let the thoughts be confused. Now is the time to slow down ...


March 24th 2021 by runekani

When someone is not there, you'll start to think where he is. That's if you know the person. If you don't, you propably won't bother. Why would you? Most of the inhabitants of this planet are just numbers. And these numbers are too big to comprehend.

But let's say you live in the neighbourhood and you've seen me before. Walking my cat or shaping sculptures of snow. Then you would pay a little bit attention, and maybe ask, where is the guy? Perhaps on vacation or ...


November 20th 2020 by runekani

Hearing the music
turning it up
feeling something unfamiliar
by the feet and the back.

Starting to move
first slowly
and then more
towards the pleasant sweatiness
of a dance
long ago forgotten.


November 13th 2020 by araukara

Did see it
like through a tube
or a wall of solid rock
six feet thick.

I reached down to my
precious subconscious
like a hedgehog reaches up
to the sun
desperate and longing.

Did do it
didn't I?
please say yes. 


November 12th 2020 by avokado

All the time we travel through the emptiness of space on this rock. Clinging hard onto it, counting on the gravity to look after us, trying not to think of the inevitability of death. Only the distant stars watching over us.

counting on the gravity

But yet we are destined to hope for something unreachable. It's not our choice. And that's quite comforting. 


November 8th 2020 by runekani

Fogginess of twilight is creeping inside. It's hard to resist, because it doesn't present itself in any clear form. Too bad we lost our native religion centuries ago.

One week to vacation

June 18th 2020 by runekani

It's one week to summer vacation, which gives hope beyond expectations. The time begins to slow down. The trees start to whisper. The paints get anxious in their tubes. And me - I'm feeling finally a bit transparent.

Spring Forest

April 25th 2020 by araukara

The snow is finally mostly gone, and it's time to rediscover the paths in the forest. And notice things you haven't seen before. 

Slow Time

January 26th 2020 by runekani

Time seems to run. Often I feel I run out of it. But every now and then I stop to look at it. Carefully inspect it and openly listen to it. Then time slows down. It stretches and bends and twists. And the world seems to be a happier place to live.

Poetic Approach

October 30th 2019 by araukara

By writing short lines
you lie much less
and give room
to thoughts.

By painting
you don't lie at all
and open doors
to unconscious.

So please
do it
while you still
dwell here.

Who will change it?

September 15th 2019 by runekani

It is quite difficult to see
over the hills
or even behind the curtains

rather difficult to open one's eyes
in the morning
when the sun hasn't risen yet

but easy to keep walking
to a familiar direction
not breaking the routines.

In the Museum

September 5th 2019 by runekani

I hadn’t remembered how relaxing it is to go to the museum. Watching the story in the paintings and letting it touch. Thank you Aimo Kanerva. 


September 2nd 2019 by runekani

Desperately I’ve been looking for places with a view to the horizon. And there are days when I find it. And those are the glad ones. 

Swimming Birds

June 26th 2019 by avokado

I could spend ours at seaside. Watching the nature, listening to the sounds of birds and waves. Needing only tea. 


May 29th 2019 by araukara

Do buds in our life open because of what we do, or in spite of it?


March 17th 2019 by araukara

Let’s set a goal. It would be to meditate daily. But since that is quite far away, let’s begin with something easier: three times a week either yoga or zazen. Could you do it?


December 27th 2018 by avokado

Winter solstice is behind our backs. We are halfway out of the dark. Hope increases with light. 


November 8th 2018 by avokado

A slight change in routines may result in appearance of unforeseen creatures. 


November 3rd 2018 by runekani

Waking up remembering thoroughly the last dream. Feeling how it's fading away. Actively memorizing the crucial points of the dream. And then - trying to figure out what I am trying to tell myself. Desperately.


September 13th 2018 by runekani

Often life seems complicated. Then one must try to find beauty in the complexity. Repeating patterns, random details or funny coincidences. They are there. 


July 17th 2018 by araukara

Regular human comprehension is rather shallow. What we see and think is merely the surface. Just ripples on the water. Is there a way to get deeper?

On the Rock

July 16th 2018 by araukara

Six decades ago even the rock scratchers had both artistic talent and patience. Hurray for Waldemar and Kaarina!

Noticing Funny

July 4th 2018 by runekani

There are lots of funny things around. The skill is to notice them. Even in people and society.